Available Reports

IT-Conductor generates a wide variety of reports for the systems and resources monitored by IT-Conductor. These reports include KPI reports, Capacity reports, Month-end reports, Ad hoc reports, and Custom reports.

Some reports are system-dependent, meaning that they work and show information only from that specific system landscape. Other reports can be customized to show the overall system landscape with their related components.

Systems where Reports are Available

  • ABAP

  • JAVA

  • BOBJ

  • HANA

  • Oracle

  • ASE DB

  • DB2

  • Linux OS

  • Windows OS

Types of Available Reports

  • KPI Health Monitoring Reports

  • File System Growth Reports

  • Availability Reports

  • File System Usage Reports

  • CPU Memory Utilization Reports

  • Backup Summary Reports

  • System Activity Reports

  • Job Alerts Reports

  • HANA Mini-checks Reports

  • SAP Landscape/LMDB Report

  • File System Capacity Reports

  • System Performance Reports

Last updated