SAP Batch Jobs Monitoring

SAP Batch Job is a scheduled program that runs without user intervention. It is frequently used to automate tasks that need to be performed regularly. This process runs in the background to process huge data in batches rather than separate transactions.

Batch jobs are less visible to the end-users because they run in the background. Activating alerts will allow the users to regularly check if the batch jobs have run successfully or, in case of any failure, be able to identify the root cause of any error in the failed stages.

IT-Conductor Job Alert Subscription

IT-Conductor allows users and/or teams to subscribe to automated alerts. These alerts can be modified through the system and set to specific jobs via filters. IT-Conductor offers very flexible criteria for managing alerts.

Below are simple subscriptions to CCMS job failure alerts:

Navigate to SAP Systems → SAP System Name → CCMS Alerts → Failed Batch Jobs in the IT-Conductor dashboard. This will show the chart where the failed jobs are detected. Clicking on the graph will show the details of the failed jobs.

IT-Conductor can create thresholds based on the number of failed jobs per interval, which can raise IT-Conductor alerts when too many jobs fail within an interval.

With the ability to track job failures from CCMS alerts, IT-Conductor can also track specific failed jobs by any fields in the job details, such as name, user, server, or combinations.

Batch server performance for job processing is also monitored, by default, Batch queue utilization %.

IT-Conductor also supports multi-step jobs via our scheduler to be executed in SAP, which, of course, will allow us to monitor the job run time and job logs. The IT-Conductor Support Team can configure job performance, such as runtime, delays, and more, for specific jobs or groups. These are called SLAs.

We don't have a ready-made report for long-term reports on job processing logs. Still, it is simple to define and run a report on a periodic schedule to be stored in IT-Conductor and distributed to designated users via email HTML reports. We use the SAP XBP (External Batch Processing) interface to monitor and manage jobs. Most objects in IT-Conductor can have a retention period set via a template to be retained at the detail level if required. Otherwise, the leaf nodes are expired, but their reports of # counts will still be available for months/years, not in drill-down details unless we mark them with longer retention.

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