
System Refresh High-Level Process

The following image below depicts the high-level process of system refresh. The export, cleanup, and import processes are simplified, automated, and optimized using SID-Refresh™.

SID-Refresh exports the target system tables that contain configuration information before the system refresh is started and imports them afterward.

The typical task list runs in the following sequence:

  • Export System Configuration: The connection-related configuration data is exported as table content for the file system using R3trans.

  • Copy SAP System: The database of the production system is copied into the quality system.

  • Rename Cloned SAP System: The copied system is renamed with the same SID as the old target system.

  • Clean System Configuration: The contents of the tables that contain information about the source system will be cleaned up.

  • Import System Configuration: The connection-related configuration data in the form of table content is imported back to the new target system using R3trans.

  • Conversion of Logical System Names (BDLS): When logical system names are duplicated, you have to convert them to have unique IDs again. To convert one or more logical system names to new or existing logical names, transaction BDLS is used.

Note: The Copy SAP system, Rename Cloned SAP System, and Conversion of Logical System Names can be automated using E2E System Refresh Automation.

Administering System Refresh Using SID-Refresh

In the following sections, you will be quickly introduced to how the exporting, cleanup, and importing processes are executed using SID-Refresh.

Before You Start

Please ensure all the general prerequisites are met before performing any activities using the tool.

Exporting and Importing the Technical Data and Configurations

Below is a list of technical data and configurations that may be exported and imported using SID-Refresh.

Cleaning Up the Technical Data and Configurations

Below is a list of technical data and configurations that may be cleaned up using SID-Refresh.

High-Level Instructions

1. Launch SID-Refresh.

2. SID-Refresh will check the environment variables and automatically search for R3trans in the default directory. If R3trans is not in the default directory, you must specify the path where it is saved.

3. SID-Refresh will also define a default directory for the export/import/clean. We recommend using a different export/import/clean directory other than the default.

4. Select the number of R3trans processes to use for the export/import/clean. By default, the slider is positioned at 1. The slider in the tool allows you to select the number of concurrent R3trans tasks that you want to run. A maximum of 8 is allowed since higher than 8 does not yield to shorter runtime.

5. Select the operation (Export Tables, Import Tables, or Clean Tables) to perform.

6. Select the components that you want to export/import/clean. Alternatively, you have the option to load a previously saved configuration from the previous run.

7. Click the Start button to start the export/import/clean process.\


  • Users have the option to use SID-Refresh GUI or run the program using a console.

  • Users can save the selected options on initial use to be reused in the subsequent execution of the system refresh process.

  • The entire process may take from a few minutes up to several hours depending on the complexity of your systems, the degree of parallelism, and the number of components you selected for the export/cleanup/import process.

Customizing the List of Tables for Export/Import

When adding your own tasks or changing the list of tables in the existing tasks, you have the option to customize them prior to running SID-Refresh. It is necessary to ensure that you perform the above procedure in the same directory where the SIDRefresh.jar is located.

1.) Create a new "./config" directory.

2.) Copy the "package_data.json" file to the "./config" directory.

3.) Edit the "package_data.json" file and add the necessary tables to the selected package.

4.) Re-execute export/import.

Download the SID-Refresh User Guide

For a more detailed guide, you may download the file attached below:


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