ilert Integration
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IT-Conductor supports integration with ilert to enhance real-time alerting, automate on-call scheduling, and streamline incident management. With multi-channel notifications (SMS, push, voice, messaging apps), critical alerts instantly reach the right team members, ensuring rapid response and optimized shift distribution.
Furthermore, teams can keep stakeholders informed effortlessly with ilert’s status pages, which automatically update based on IT-Conductor-detected issues, reducing communication overhead during incidents. The integration also leverages AIOps for intelligent alert processing, minimizing alert fatigue through AI-driven filtering, deduplication, and prioritization—allowing IT teams to focus on mission-critical incidents.
Please refer to the ilert Documentation for instructions and more information.
Note: The integration key serves as a unique authentication token for secure communication between IT-Conductor and ilert. Save it for later use when configuring the API integration in IT-Conductor.
To configure ilert integration in IT-Conductor, follow the instructions below.
Visit and enter your login credentials.
Navigate to Dashboards → Administrator to access the Administrator's Dashboard.
Locate the Integrations Providers actions panel and click the title to access the complete list.
Fill out all the necessary information in the Create ilert Integration wizard. Once completed, click Finish to create the connection.
Name - refers to a descriptive identifier for the integration.
Description - refers to any relevant information about the integration being configured.
Organization - refers to an administrative structure that defines objects with a common goal or purpose. If you previously created an organization, please select it.
Role - refers to the environment where the integration will be used.
Site - refers to a logical object that describes a particular area or location, depending on the context in which it is used.
Gateway - allows communication between the customer's site network and the IT-Conductor cloud platform. Select the previously configured gateway from the dropdown menu. See Gateway Setup for more details.
Stand-By Mode - enables or disables standby mode, preventing alerts from being sent while active.
Scheme - defines the communication protocol (e.g., HTTP or HTTPS) used for connecting to ilert.
Host - specifies the ilert server address to which IT-Conductor will send alerts.
Port - indicates the network port used for communication between IT-Conductor and ilert.
Connect Timeout - refers to the maximum amount of time IT-Conductor will attempt to establish a connection to ilert (300 seconds by default).
Enforce Certificate - determines whether SSL/TLS certificate validation is required for secure connections.
API Version - specifies the ilert API version used for integration to ensure compatibility.
Integration Key - refers to a unique authentication key required to securely connect IT-Conductor with ilert. See Configure API Integration in ilert.
Description - refers to any relevant information about the API key being created for integration. This field is optional but can help identify the purpose of the key.
Application - specifies the external application that will be integrated with IT-Conductor. In this case, select ilert from the dropdown menu.
Person - indicates the user or administrator associated with the API key. This defines who has ownership and permissions over the key usage.
API Key - represents the unique authentication key required for secure communication between IT-Conductor and ilert. This key must be copied and stored securely as needed for the integration setup.
Click Create ilert Integration to start creating a new connection.
Alternatively, you can click Create ilert Integration directly from the Administrator’s Dashboard.
Provide the account information in the Create API Key wizard and click to complete the configuration.