SAP ASE Server

Configure SAP ASE Database for Monitoring

1. Navigate to Dashboards → Administrator.

3. Before connecting to an ASE Server, please make sure that the following configuration parameters are properly configured.

Note: Please take note of the account requirements when configuring the monitoring account.

5. A pop-up message will appear to confirm that the SAP ASE has been added successfully. Click OK to dismiss and proceed to configure the ASE Server user to be used for monitoring.

6. Provide the new SAP Account information in the wizard and click Finish to complete the configuration.

7. A pop-up message will appear to confirm that the JDBC DB account has been created successfully. Click OK to complete the process.

8. The newly added server will appear in Server under the "ASE Servers" panel.

9. The ASE System will show up in the service grid within 5-15 minutes.

Account Requirements

The dedicated ASE monitoring account for IT-Conductor needs to be granted the "mon_role" role.

Last updated