Creating Notification Subscriptions
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IT-Conductor Notification is based on the Subscription model where users subscribe to service elements to receive notifications on status changes and alerts related to the elements. The Subscriptions are created for individual Users, Groups, Roles, or Organizational Units.
1. In the main menu, navigate to IT-Conductor Service Grid and choose the service element you want to subscribe to for notifications. Click on the service element icon to display the object menu and choose Subscriptions.
2. Click the "Create New Subscription" icon to subscribe for notifications
3. Supply the necessary information to complete the subscription. Click the "Finish" icon to complete the process.
Choose the Subscriber Type from the drop-down list. It includes your current user and all Groups, Roles, and Org Units assigned to the current user.
Check Recursive if you would like to receive notification on all children of this service element.
Check Root Cause if you only want to receive notifications on the Thresholds that cause service status changes. This excludes notifications on Service/Sub-Service status changes.
Specify the Minimum Severity of the Service Element when notification should take place.
Optionally, select Alert Class and populate Alert Criteria for selective alert targeting (this is an advanced configuration option, please consult with support beforehand).
Check Alerts if you need the alerts related to the Service Element (or all of its children if Recursive) to be forwarded as notifications.
4. The Subscription details will be available in the list. You should start receiving notifications to your e-mail address within 15 minutes (for performance reasons, the subscriptions are cached and refreshed every ~15 minutes).
You can click on the "Edit Subscribers" icon to show the list of Subscription members.
1. In the IT-Conductor main menu, navigate to Management > Notification > Subscriptions.
2. The page will show the list of active Subscriptions. You can click on the Subscription's name to modify the details, and the "Edit Subscribers" icon is also available to check the list of members.