How to Configure MaxDB for Monitoring

1. From IT-Conductor main menu, navigate to Dashboards > Administrator.

4. A pop-up message will confirm that the MaxDB instance has been added successfully. Click OK to dismiss and proceed to configure the MaxDB user monitoring account.

Note Please take note of the MaxDB Monitoring account requirements below.

6. A pop-up message will confirm that the account has been created successfully. Click OK to complete the process.

7. The newly added system will appear under the MaxDB Instances panel.

8. The newly added system shows up in the Service grid within 5-15 minutes.

IT-Conductor MaxDB Monitoring Account Requirements

The account used to monitor the MaxDB instance should be created as follows:

  • Login to the Sqlcli with your SYSDBA/DBADMIN user as shown below:

>sqlcli -d <database_name> -u <dbadmin_user>,<dbadmin_password>
  • Create a database user with a STANDARD user class:

>CREATE USER <user_name> PASSWORD <user_password> STANDARD

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